Objections to a planning application must be made on planning grounds – not on the perceived impact of a development. The most significant grounds you can use to object to this development are:
Leisure amenity
Ancient woodland
Leisure amenity
You can object to the development on the grounds that the canyon is an informal leisure amenity, used by people for walks, cycling and dog walking. Let torfaen know what you use the area for and how often, otherwise it may all soon be gone !
Biodiversity. The site encompasses a wetlands, pond, cliffs, grassland, woodland and heath. This is a very broad range of habitats which will be disrupted or, in the case of the wetlands, pond and current cliffs, completely destroyed.
Sightings in the area of Hen Harriers – a species classed as red (high) conservation priority by the RSPB.
Ancient woodland There are 3 ancient or ancient replanted woodlands in the areas: Map Ref:
ST253999 Classified by the Woodland Trust as Ancient semi-natural woodland (2.82 hectares)
SO252007 Classified by the Woodland Trust as Ancient semi-natural woodland (9.05 hectares)
SO249011 Classified by the Woodland Trust as Ancient replanted woodland (0.45 hectares)
It would appear that the new service road will pass directly through ST253999 and affect one other area of new woodland.
Planning Policy Wales is a Welsh Assembly document that gives overarching planning policy. Paragraph 5.2.8 states:
“ancient and semi-natural woodlands are irreplaceable habitats of high biodiversity value which should be protected from development that would result in significant damage.”
It also states: “local planning authorities should seek to protect trees, groups of trees and areas of woodland where they have natural heritage value or contribute to the character or amenity of a particular locality.”
Biodiversity is covered in the environmental statement that accompanied the application, but you may wish to raise some questions regarding this or suggest a fuller survey needs to be undertaken because some areas of the canyon were inaccessible. There is some anecdotal evidence from residents of Red Kites and some sightings of Hen Harries have been made in the area.
Email Template Please read and adjust before sending off to torfaen planning
to Duncan.Smith@Torfaen.gov.uk (planning department)
cc stopthequarry@illtyd.co.uk
subject Quarry Application 03/P/09336
Dear Torfaen Planning
Could you register my objection to the proposed development at Tirpentwys, Hafodrynys, Pontypool, Torfaen please 03/P/09336
Please delete, add and adjust the list below as necessary.
I regularly Walk/ Cycle/ Dog Exercise /horse ride /picnic / hunt /camp /golf /explore /bird watch /nature watch on the mountain and in the canyon
The noise, pollution and disturbance from the lorries would ruin this
The road widening and new roads, traffic lights and gates on the common would spoil this
The new road through the woods would spoil this
I remember / have been told about how much dust and noise is generated when the mountain is moved and put into lorries let alone rock crushed, this would destroy my enjoyment of my home/ garden/ allotment and cost me extra time and money in dust cleaning
The planning application says that one of the first areas to be destroyed by dumping earth that cannot be sold would be the lake, I think the lake should be protected and kept for future generations to enjoy
If this development were to go ahead the wildlife including birds of prey, small mammals, aquatic life and lichen would have nowhere similar to live, even if they weren't destroyed by the crusher, the noise or the dust or diggers
Type your Name here
Type your full address here including postcode
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